Mailing Address: Asheton Park at NorthLakes Property Owners Association P O Box 1426 Auburn, AL 36831-1426 Asheton Park Email – Phone Number - Cindy Heath, Manager - 334-663-3358
FAQs Q1 We just moved in. How do we get a copy of the Property Owners Directory? A1 Email the Association Manager to get a copy. Q2When is garbage collection? A2Garbage is collected on Thursday mornings. Trash cans and items such as grass clippings and materials to be recycled must be placed curbside on Wednesday evenings or very early Thursday morning. For holiday schedules check the City of Auburn website or see the calendar provided in the City of Auburn’s water board newsletter. Q3 I do not have a copy of the most recent covenants. How do I get a copy? A3 The covenants and bylaws can be found on this website under the Design Review Committee page. Q4 Cars are often parked in front of my neighbor’s house. I know this is not allowed, what should we do? A4 First, contact your neighbor and ask that they not park cars on the street. If that is not effective, then contact the HOA manager to file a complaint. The HOA manager will email the resident and remind them of the covenants and your name will NOT be revealed. If it continues to happen, contact the HOA president. Q5 We want to add on to our house or build a privacy fence. Do I need approval to do this? A5 Yes, you need to provide plans for approval to the Design Review Committee of the Property Owners Association. Refer to the the Design Review Committee page.
Association Dues – The annual property owners dues are currently set at $544.00 and are due January 1st annually. $50.00 late fee will be assessed after February 15th.
New Owner Registration Fee – A one time registration fee of $1,000.00 is due from all new property owners. This is typically collected at sale closing. This covers things like pool keys and administration costs of resident changeover. In keeping up with maintenance around the neighborhood, you will receive a mailbox makeover with your registration fee.
Design Review Committee – This is a covenant community. When you purchased your home you signed and agreed to abide by the covenants of Asheton Park. If you are planning on making ANY changes to the exterior of your home or property such as building a deck, porch, storage building, fence, or etc., we ask you to contact the HOA so that the Design Review Committee (DRC) can review your plans or proposal. You do not have to contact the HOA for Tree removal. Failure to get approval before you begin a project could lead to fine of $1000.00. City of Auburn website – The Water Works Board of the City of Auburn – 334-501-3050 Environmental Services of the City of Auburn (Garbage Collection/Trash Collection/Animal Control/Recycling) – 334-501-3080 Alabama Power – 800-245-2244, Spire Energy – 800-292-4008 Spectrum – 888-438-2427 or WOW – 855-496-9929 Auburn University – 334-844-4000 Alabama One Call (Before You Dig) – 811 or 800-292-8525 Imperial Mailbox Systems – 800-647-0777 Opelika-Auburn News – 334-749-6271 Auburn Villager – 334-501-0600 Auburn City Schools –